CW CNC Simulator

CW CNC Simulator Introduction

CW CNC Simulator is developed by Cloudwalker STREAMING TECHNOLOGIES PVT.LTD Company. Providing its NC simulation services with FANUC, Simens (SINUMERIK), Mitsubishi (MITSUBISHI), HEIDENHAIN, Fagor, HAAS, ROMI, GSK (Guangzhou), HNC (HUAZHONG), KND (Beijing), DASEN (Dalian), RENHE (Jiangsu), WA (Nanjing), SKY2003N (Nanjing), PA8000, Deckel FP4, GREAT (Chengdou) ,Mazak lathe and other milling centers. It combines both machining experiences of machine company and training experiences of colleges. By using this software, students simulate the operation in real NC machines and can master the training in a shorter time interval, and colleges can reduce greatly in the investment of expensive equipments.
CW CNC Simulator is easy to use for both students and teacher. It can be either programed by hand or imported with CAM NC program and then start simulation in CW CNC Simulator. Teacher gets students' operation information through CW CNC Simulator Server in real time.

CW CNC Simulation includes 22 sorts, 81 systems, and 203 control panels. It has programming and processing function for FANUC, SIEMENS(SINUMERIK), MITSUBISHI, FAGOR, HAAS, PA , Romi, GSK, HNC, KND, DASEN, WA ,GREAT,SANYING, RENHE, SKY,JNC,Decekel,GTC2E,NCT,Mazak. By using the software in PC, students can master the operation of all kinds of NC lathe, NC milling and machining center in short time. Teachers recieve real-time operation information from students at any time through network. This software is also the first and the only domestic NC simulation software which can be updated automatically online for free.

Download CW CNC Simulator Brochure


3D Modeling based OPENGL, Dual
Monitor Display.

Dynamic rotation, zoom, move, full screen, switch views, etc.

G Code parse. Support ISO-1056 prepare function code..

Operation process (AVI) recording and

Management tool and performance parameters adopt
database technology

Custom code and cycles in different NC system are supported in CW CNC Simulator.

Simulate post process file produced by UG,Pro-E,MasterCAM in CW CNC Simulator.

Vertical and horizontal change tool system automatically

3.5/4/5 Axis Milling Simulation.

Workpiece setting and mounting.

G code debug Tool.

Windows MACRO recording and replay.

Tool preset by using benchmark method and manual method.

Machining with coolant, sound and iron fragment effect.

Roughness measure based tool cutting parameters.

Automatically change tool machine, Four Position Turret..

Embedded all kind of tools in CW CNC Simulator. Supporting customize tool.

Three-dimensional size measure of workpiece after it is

Measure tools : edge finder, feeler gauge, micrometer,
calipers etc.

Automatic update online.


Teachers register their username and password through CW CNC Simulator server, student may login into the network version of CW CNC Simulator in any PC using local area network, Teacher can centralize the management and monitor students over local area network.
Teacher may add and edit exercises in CW CNC Simulator server. Teacher can transmits the exercises with pictures included to clients (students). Then students write the answers and transmit back to the teacher. CW CNC Simulator server builds up an easier and more convienient way for teacher and students to communicate with each other.
CW CNC Simulator server records students' operation information according to their registration information. It can control and inquire students' login and logoff and machining operation information. At the same time , the teacher can also broadcast his screen to students. The Teacher can assist students via Remote View and Control Client PC.
This system Includes question bank management, test paper management, the test process management as well as the automatical examination marking process.
This Includes test data management, exam permit management, and test result management.

CW CNC Simulator Simulation System



Contact us

  • AddressOffice No: 504-505 Business Suite 9, Santacruz West, SV Road, Mumbai – 400054, Maharashtra, India.
  • phone+91 9082574945
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